Friday, February 19, 2010


Canto-pop artist Denise Ho returns after a 3-year absence to conquer the Hong Kong Coliseum with her Supergoo concerts! Held on four days in October 2009, the superhero-themed shows were separated in six segments, and they can now be revisited via this Blu-ray live recording featuring a total of 34 tracks. Denise performed songs from her latest album Heroes, including the concert theme song “The Diamond Sutra”, as well as a myriad of her popular hits such as “Glorious Family”, “Rolls & Royce”, and “Wood Grain”.
Credits AEU

01. Opening Credit
02. 光明會 Music [Marching Band]
03. 光榮之家
04. 大紅袍
05. 滿城盡帶黃金甲
06. 青山黛瑪
07. 幽默感
08. 飛簷
09. 冰心
10. 少年維特
11. 化蝶
12. 以身犯險
13. 明目張膽
14. 絕對
15. 你是哪一種英雄 Talk
16. 查理淑儀
17. 露絲瑪莉
18. 勞斯萊斯
19. 我找到了
20. 沙
21. 天使藍
22. 萬花筒
23. 我有沒有問題
24. 水花四濺
25. 韻律泳
26. 風見志郎
27. 木紋
28. 光明會
29. Goo Vibration/花見
30. 金剛經
31. 艷光四射
32. 舊約
33. 千千萬萬個我
34. 美空雲雀

Concert: Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10 Part11 Part12 Part13 Part14 Part15 Part16 Part17



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