Monday, November 9, 2009

Linda Chung- My Love Story

01. 日夜想你
02. 明爭暗鬥
03. 暗示
04. Fly Me To The Moon
05. 有一天
06. 戀愛令人心痛
07. 生死也為愛
08. Cha Cha Bounce
09. 聽說你愛我
10. 白羊座的情歌
11. 有一天 (國)
12. 讓我繼續愛你 (國)

1. 日夜想你
2. 明爭暗鬥
3. 暗示
4. 有一天
5. 讓我繼續愛你 (國)
6. 有一天 (國)

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TVB actress Linda Chung’s first year on the music scene was very promising, as her debut album “A Dinner For One, A World For Two” established her as one of the most popular Canto-pop newcomers of 2008. This year, Linda builds upon her initial success with her second album My Love Story, in which she flexes her creative muscles with encouraging results. The 12-track album contains several songs composed by Linda herself, including the main cut “Missing You Day and Night”, “Live and Die for Love”, and “Someday”. Also included are Linda’s duet with Philip Wei called “Love Hurts”, which is composed by Jay Chou, and two Mandarin numbers. The bonus DVD contains 6 music videos.



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